Contact information: email:, phone: +81-75-724-7413, fax: +81-75-724-7400


  • Staff

    Masahiro YOSHIMOTO (Professor, Department of Electronics/ Director of Center for Green Innovation/ Vice-President)

    Hiroyuki NISHINAKA (Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics)

    Daisuke UEDA (Project Professor, Center for Green Innovation)

    Hidetoshi ISHIDA (Senior fellow, Center for Green Innovation)

    Romualdo A. FERREYRA (Project Researcher, Center for Green Innovation)

  • Students

    Doctoral program

    Asamira SUZUKI (D2), Yuji KUDO (D2)

    Master's program

    Kimihiro KAZUMOTO (M2), Takashi FUKUI (M2), Yusuke SHIBATA (M2), Koji ICHIKAWA (M2),

    Yoshitaka KANAMORI (M1), Kosaku SUZUKI (M1), Hideki MATSUMURA (M1)

    Undergraduate program

    Taichi OKUMURA(B4), Kyohei KAKUYAMA(B4), Shota MORIMOTO(B4)

  • Research fellows working for joint research

    Hiroyuki KINOSHITA

  • Administrative aide

    Yukiko UMEDA, Akiko NAKAE


  • Growth and characterization of GaAsBi and its device application
  • Design and fabrication of GaN devices
  • Direct wafer bonding of Si and SiC for hybrid integration of Si and SiC devices
  • Fabrication of semiconductors and electronic materials by mist-CVD
  • Photoluminescence study of Si wafer for industrial application

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Last-modified: 2018-05-30 (水) 16:05:30 (2389d)